The Feng Shui Grid

In my work with fine art collections, my mind is constantly trying to create order and structure. I create databases to organize art-related data and manage hard-drives with thousands of files. I am constantly categorizing, labeling and organizing.

For me, the feng shui grid is a map that creates order and provides a structured approach to analyzing a home. It offers a fresh way to view one’s life and often helps us identify ways in which we can improve our space and have it support goals in different areas of our lives: Wealth, Recognition, Love, New Beginnings, Health, Creativity, Spirituality, Path in Life, and Helpful People.

I love this grid! It helps us understand our lives better and apply ways to connect with and improve upon them. Who doesn’t want that?

Let’s look at ways to use this grid for you!

XO Helen


Curated Images for Feng Shui


The 5 Elements