The 5 Elements

Quite simply, feng shui utilizes the five elements in nature: EARTH, WATER, FIRE, WOOD, + METAL. We all embody certain qualities in these elements. I am Earth, Water, and Fire. At the core, I am grounded and am the support for many people around me (Earth). Where I show vulnerability, I can be indecisive and wishy washy (Water). At work and in social situations, I can present as dynamic and outgoing (Fire).

Knowing these attributes helps me understand patterns in my life and explains many of the ‘why do I do that’ questions. This type of Chinese astrology complements Western astrology and in the same way can be used to guide and explain who you are. I find comfort in that.

One step further is looking at the people whom you live with and what elements they embody. My husband and daughter are both metal, while my son is fire. Once I look at the nuances of their personalities, I can see why my husband and daughter share similar traits, and how my son and I complement each other. I also see the areas where we clash!

The magic in feng shui is when you merge these personal attributes with your home. Then you are able to create really personalized and supportive environments tailored to the people who live there. Keep an eye out for a post where I will walk you through some of the design decisions that we made in our home to support our dynamic personalities…

XO Helen


The Feng Shui Grid