Wood Energy for Spring

Just off the phone with my doctor who told me I need to be out in nature more. It seemed like a trivial thing to recommend, but I realize for us city dwellers, you really do have to force yourself to get out in nature: to a park with fresh air and greenery. It is only natural that spring aligns with the energy of wood, which represents new beginnings in feng shui. We seek nature and wood for vitality, growth, flexibility, and kindness. I will be looking for lush trees, spring buds, sturdy tree trunks, and long limbs to manifest an upward movement of energy.

Green isn’t a color I naturally gravitate to, but I’ll be infusing it into my wardrobe and make up to see if gives me the boost for spring I am craving. I’ll bring in natural wood and bright green elements into my home for some fresh spring vitality. I’ll add images of beautiful leaves, wood, and anything with positive green vibes. What small things can you do to bring some wood energy this season?


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