Feng Shui Cards: Summer

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In feng shui, summer is the height of Yang energy. This season’s attributes are bright, warm, and full of expanding energy.

It has been an arduous year from the pandemic for everyone. Personally, it was also layered with anti-Asian hate crimes and a concussion from a ski accident! However, I have had the luxury of time and space to enjoy this summer. These refreshing summer images help me keep it light and focus back in the areas of my life that do matter. They serve as an offering for you to do the same.

Look ahead for the feng shui grid to see how they embody the different aspects of our lives. I am curating new sets of feng shui cards, so stay tuned and let me know if there is a set that resonates with you!

XO Helen


Feng Shui + Art in the Modern World


Curated Images for Feng Shui