Metal Element for the Fall Season

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The element of metal relates to the fall season. Fall to me is refocusing after the summer, preparing for a new school year for my kids and getting my home in order. Metal in feng shui manifests as clarity, precision, simplicity, joy, and integrity.

The color for the metal element ranges from pure white to light grays, soft pastels, and anything metallic. Metal objects have a clear and shiny quality.

I love the idea of simplifying by reducing clutter, finding clarity in creating structure for a new rhythm/schedule and weaving in moments of joy in my life. I have been organizing at home like crazy — sorting through clothes that are no longer worn, throwing away products I have not used in years, shredding old tax documents, and storing the past year’s school stuff. It definitely creates a more relaxed and streamlined feeling at home to get organized. Metal energy!

I use my trusted organizer from Smart Spaces, Michelle Smart Woodley, who helps me come up with great storage systems at home. I would otherwise be paralyzed and overwhelmed without her.

I’m sharing with you a visual boost of metal to help you jump into the fall season. I hope it sparks the same motivation as it has for me.


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